Archive for August 9, 2015

Linksys WRT 1900AC Slow Download Speed

Posted in house tech, Networks with tags , , on August 9, 2015 by marksun

I recently noticed how crappy my Internet download speed was ( 4 mbps max).  Finally today got around to call Oceanic Cable Vision.  I am  going to give Oceanic Cable Vision a plug here and I’m glad to say I got really great technical support from the Oceanic staff.  It took a few steps and escalation to Level II support but their tech had me connect the computer directly to the modem to isolate it (now why didn’t I think of that!),  quickly established that the modem–computer link was getting 50+ mbps download speeds,  effectively isolating the problem to the router, a LInksys WRT 1900AC.  That was good enough for me.  Hit up Uncle Google with “Linksys 1900 slow download”  and got this:

This is the problem but no solution from  Then …

This link led to “Chuck’s Blog”, and Chuck nailed it. The comments are also cogent and worth reading as well.  Thanks Chuck, guys!


Here’s the fix.
Login to the wrt 1900ac router with the browser – Chrome in my case.
hint- MAXIMIZE the browser so you see all the controls on the Linksys configuration screens.
goto Media Prioritization
goto Settings
change: Downstream Bandwidth:   Change from 4000 (or whatever yours is set to)  to 100000 or some more realistic number
eljaydub also came up with some key advice – you have to click ‘Ok’ , once on the Settings page and then again on the Media Prioritization page or the settings do not save.

The result:



So I didn’t have to  do any heavy lifting to get this fixed – I’m ok with that!