Archive for May, 2015

Slow Leak on the Michelins

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on May 23, 2015 by marksun

May 23 2015.  The Buick developed a slow leak couple of weeks ago that caused the tire pressure gage alarm to come on.   The mechanic said fill all the tires to 35 psi and watch.   Took a couple of weeks actually to identify the tire – right front- and find the nail (1″ flathead tack).  Took it in today (Saturday), and while I waited, the mechanic asked me to turn the wheel, saw the nail, drew it out, replaced it with an awl and worked it in (maybe 1/8″ or slightly bigger).  Then tire patch material, a strip of rubberlike tape 1/8″ wide and 5″ long doubled over, covered with some kind of clear sticky dope, and with another awl-like tool, worked the patch into the hole until 1/4″ was sticking out – which he clipped off.   $20.

The  roadwork in the neighborhood has steel plates and patches everywhere and just beating the crap out of tires.  Mine have chunks missing from thread edges, especially on the outside of the tire contact patch.  “Michelin has that problem” was what the mechanic said about the problem.